Our Goal is
To bring together pre-schoolers and seniors, creating close inter-generational relationships that improve quality of life

How it all started…
Sharon and her young daughters regularly visited a relative in an Assisted Living Facility. During these visits, it was clear that the presence of children brought much joy to the residents. Sharon began searching, and discovered several models world-wide for inter-generational activities. With these in mind, she invited others interested in this concept to brainstorm with her, thus creating a multi-disciplinary working group. This has evolved into the establishment of a non-profit named "קשר בין דורי – Connecting the Generations“.
What do we as a society gain by creating these relationships? For the elderly: a sense of meaning by using knowledge and life experience, lessening feelings of loneliness and boredom, preservation and improvement of physical and mental state. For the children: receiving love and warmth from adults, learning new skills, strengthening social and emotional intelligence, learning to accept others and patience.

Our Team

Sharon Walker- Zaks
Business Development Manager

Naama Harari
Senior day center Manager

Vicki Mermosky- Radi
Project Manager

Hagit Eylon
Business and Organizational consultant

Shani Guzi
Preschooll Manager and Owner

Elysia Davidovski
Director & teacher Pre school training at Ahva College

Offira Shoham
Supportive community manager nationwide

Maytal Zerobnick
Manager- Kesher Ben Dori

Yasmin Werner Tabanchick
Dance instructor
for Seniors and Children

Sara Asher
Consultant in gerontology.
Senior citizen placement advisor
What We Do

Joint activities at senior day centers, introducing seniors to children from nearby pre-schools, once or twice per week.
Training and Mentoring
Providing tools and instruction to pre-schools, senior centers and municipalities to encourage building and enabling inter-generational facilities.

Group lectures
For communities, schools and more different topics including: multi generational family- how to make it work?, Multi generational volunteering- the right way and Multi generational relationships- why does it matter? (each lecture is customized for the specific audience)
The programs are accompanied by multidisciplinary research to examine the impact of the program by researchers from Bar Ilan University.

Our Partners

Multi Generation around the World
שמונים וארבע- ניסוי חברתי של תאגיד השידור "כאן""https://www.kan.org.il/program/?catid=1510&subcatid=239
Old People’s home for 4 Year Olds, תכנית בריטית (עליה ביססו את 84), לצפייה בקטעים מתוך הסדרה"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax3YN53gFEs&list=RDQMxFiSfnZxF_w&start_radio=1&pbjreload=101
תפוח ודבש- מתחם דיור מוגן הכולל גן ילדים ראשון מסוגו באנגליהhttps://www.applesandhoneynightingale.com
Generations United אתר המקיף עשייה בין דורית ברחבי ארצות הבריתhttps://www.gu.org
למידה בין דורית בדבלין, אוהיו, ארה"ב"www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qPfHYm9ZQA
פרוייקט אמנות ממוחזרת בין דורית באנגליהhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44nHUC7zl0U
גן ילדים בתוך דיור מוגן בסיאטל, ארצות הברית"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9BfAgRa2uI
פעילות בין דורית בווילס, אנגליה"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdRA1NwPAXs
Generations in Touch: Linking the Old and Young in a Tokyo Neighborhood - ספר אינטרני בנושא תכנית בין דורית בשכונה בטוקיוbooks.google.co.il/books
מחקר על תכניות בין דוריותhttps://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2318-13-111
ערבוב בין דורי, אוון בריגז, שיחת טד"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Walt8nPINM
כתבה מתוך החדשות על בית אבות עם תכנית בין דורית באוקלהומה, ארה"ב"https://www.edutopia.org/grace-learning-center-prekindergarten-community
תכנית בין דורית במינסוטה, ארה"ב"iheartilc.org
כתבה על תכנית בין דורית בסינגפורhttps://www.todayonline.com/singapore/daycare-programme-pre-schoolers-and-seniors-mingle
אתר מגזין בין דוריhttps://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wjir20/current Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
Contact us
Information for donors: please contact us at kesherbendori3@gmail.com